Sunday 2 September 2012

Autumn Term 2012

This term the children will be settling into nursery and experiencing activities relating to our topic "All About Me"

  • Personal, Social & Emotional Development: Making friends, learning about nursery rules and boundaries, carpet time and group activities. Free play with activities to promote a sense of self. Grow in confidence as you play with others.
  • Communication & Language: Take turns in conversation talking about family members, listen carefully and speak to others. Listen to and join in with rhymes and stories. Ask and answer questions. Learn family names in Makaton sign language. Don't forget to bring in an item from home for "Show and Tell".
  • Physical Development: Activities to promote fine and gross motor skills such as P.E, outdoor play, dancing, ring games, mark making and name writing. Learn about healthy eating at snack bar time. What do you eat at home?
  • Literacy: Linking sounds to letters, drawing, writing and mark making experiences. Books and other ways to experience different forms of text. Which letter sound does the word Mum begin with?
  • Mathematics: Counting, matching and sorting activities. Number recognition, number rhymes and shape activities. How many people live in your home?
  • Understanding the World: Small world activities such as the farm, hospital, dolls house and trains. ICT using the computer, remote control equipment and toys with lifts and flaps. Talk about your family, pets and home.
  • Expressive Arts & Design: Visit the creative table and draw a picture of your family. Enjoy musical instrument activities. Make a cup of tea in the home corner!! Paint, glue, cut and stick. Draw a picture of your family and label it.


  1. Hi,
    I love coming to nursery, I have 1 brother and 2 sisters and we all have 2 pet rabbits called Leo and Lilly.x

    1. Hello Reese,
      Thank you for commenting on our nursery blog. I like the name of your rabbits!!

  2. Joshua has settled into nursery life well, and keeps telling me about all his new friends, Josh loves diggers and tractors, playing in the park and walking our dog echo. X

    1. Hello Joshua, I am so glad you have made lots of new friends in nursery!!

  3. Dyllan loves coming to nursery and was sad that she couldnt come on friday but she feels great now. ( Are you ready for her?) xx

  4. Lexi had great fun at nursery today watching Peppa Pig with her friends!!

  5. Savannah enjoys her time at Nursery and loves playing on the pirate ship! She always comes running out telling me what of a nice day she's had (despite her occasional morning tears!).
